söndag 10 juni 2007

Bye bye, Eve

Today I finished the Eve part of my online life. I gave away almost all of the stuff me and my brother had accumulated in three years of hardcore playing. It felt rather good. For three years I lived in Eve, the accumulated time is scary and I never dared look at the counters.

It got stale eventually and CCP, the publishers, have a very unsound relationship to certain parts of the player base. Whats the fun in playing a rigged game ? Some of the people I met there I will miss though. We have eachothers emails so we will keep in touch, or at least we tell each other that we will.

lördag 2 juni 2007

First post!

Wow, first post!

On slashdot lots of people live for that. I recently started reading slashdot on a regular basis again after a two-year hiatus. I have been busy playing Eve-Online and that didnt give me much spare time to indulge in other communities. Its funny how you can get sucked into a virtual world and the effort you put in to be succesful there.

When I left I was a wealthy player that had all the skills needed to do anything I wanted. Feels kinda silly to have put in so much of an effort into something completely virtual. More on that later.